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How should I reheat the frozen dinners?

The three-compartment containers should be thawed overnight in the fridge before reheating. Look for the label. Other containers can be reheated right from the freezer, however, they will heat up more quickly if they are thawed overnight in the fridge. Remove the plastic lid. Heat in the conventional oven, covered with a piece of aluminum foil, for about 35 minutes at 375F. Heat in the microwave oven, covered with a paper towel. I recommend that you use the defrost setting first if heating from frozen. Then heat on high, for about 3-5 minutes. When the food is hot, it is ready to enjoy!

How do i thaw frozen desserts?

Simply remove the lid and thaw on the countertop.

Where are you located?

The commercial kitchen is located at 5360 Canotke Rd, Unit 2 (facing directly onto Canotek). LucieECooking provides regular service in postal codes starting with K1A, K1B, K1G,K1J, K1K, K1L, K1M, K1N, K1P, K1S and K2P in Ottawa, ON, Canada. Ask about the delivery charge to other areas of Ottawa.

We also provide special event services in greater Ottawa.

How do you accept payment?

Payment by cheque or e-transfer. Cash also accepted.

Can I customize the frozen dinners?

Unfortunately, the frozen dinners are prepared in bulk and cannot be customized. However, please let me know if you have special preferences and I will consider accommodating them in future dinners.

Should I remove the labels?

The paper label with the name of the meal is easy-peel, and can be removed before heating. The small labels saying “Lucie Eyelesbarrow. Cooking.” or “LucieECooking” or “Thaw overnight in the fridge before reheating” are special dishwasher- and heat-safe labels, and should be left on the containers. Please wash or rinse out your containers after use, and put the lids back on, if only with two clips. This will avoid breakage during the transportation.

What about the SEASONING?

Many of my clients are on sodium-reduced diets. I season the food, but I keep it on the less salty side. If you find you need more salt, feel free to add a bit more. For the spicier dishes, the level of spice is kept to a moderate level. You can always add cayenne pepper or hot sauce if you want your meal more spicy!

Can I get more information on the meals?

Yes, the nutritional breakdown and ingredient list is available for most frozen dinners. In the list of available frozen dinners, click on the name of the dish, and you will see a picture of a the meal, and a link to the nutrition facts.